Many have asked, "Why do you use the spelling "blu" versus the more traditional "blue" for PROJECT BLU SKY?
"Blu" interpretations range from the texting meaning of Bold Like Us, a tagline used by BLU Products to the throwback Blu-ray Player which holds 5 times more information than DVD's and formatted to have High Definition 1080p picture, whereas DVD's deliver only standard images. Some cultures claim "blu" means royalty. It is also the colour of the fifth chakra and translates as beautiful, vibrant and unique. Italians use the "blu" spelling, and I've never known the Italians to fail us with their vision and creativity.
I went straight to the source for the answer. According to James Hanis, Architect, his statement is as follows: "Abstract early 20th century French modernism new vocabulary, Mondrian, Picasson, LeCorbusier, painters, architects, poets....this design is beyond the old tired past tense ideas and systems. Stop being traditional, boring; this is a new universe...wake up."
BLU SKY OBSERVATORY Facility Replacement Project
BLU SKY INITIATIVE to Right the Future FOR Education
The beautiful blue of our fall skies here in the mountains reminds me daily to look up and take my vision higher into the "blu".
Possibility for education and a greater Community of Learners await us.