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Writer's pictureMary Jo Dyre

Simply FOR Education

Jeff Henderson's " Know What You're FOR, a Growth Strategy for Work, An Even Better Strategy for Life" is currently one of the books that I spend some quality time with every day. In Chapter 8, the author shares, "my favorite definition of the word FOR is 'to be in favor of.' Imagine a world where team members are in favor of one another."

The Learning Center! Charter School, as a Choice in Education within the North Carolina Public Charter offerings is kicking off an educational initiative to Right the Future FOR Education. F: Future-Ready-Now; O: Open Way Learning in the classroom, in outdoor and community settings; Organized by the Learner working with a teacher facilitator. R: Real-life applications.

As strongly as we believe in The Learning Center approach to education, we do know that to be FOR our community we must truly value all our fellow educators AND all of our youth. Recently our team of dedicated educators decided that all Learning Center correspondence would make use of this closing on our correspondence: FOR Education. After all, shouldn't it always be FOR our youth, and FOR the approach to education that best fits the unique styles of a diverse population of learners? We are proud to be a NC choice in education.


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