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Writer's pictureMary Jo Dyre

Paper Airplanes to Aerospace Engineer

During his years at The Learning Center, Will was recognized as a fully engaged student by our staff of K-8 teachers: unquestionably smart, interested in a wide-range of subjects, strong Odyssey of the Mind participant, and equally skilled in writing, presenting and debating a variety of topics. When he shared his early fascination with airplanes, he explained that around age 10, he recalled watching the show "Dogfights" with his dad who served in the military for 20 years. The series fascinated Will as he took in the many details of a variety of planes from different eras of aviation. The P-38 Lightning garnered such a special place in his mind that even as this student now holds a B.S. in Aerospace Engineering from The Ohio State University he is able to recall the impact it had on his pursuit of aviation.

In his high school years at Tri-County Early College, Will realized the learning style that came most naturally to him was that of a hands-on learner. He became sure that critical thinking, collaborating, and problem solving would be the tools of his future.

When it came to college, Will valued the connections and resources that a larger school had to offer, leading him to choose The Ohio State University. Rich engineering opportunities unfolded for an eager learner, one of which was his internship abroad at the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw Poland. I have shared a picture of Will with his fellow interns as they are doing a well-known Ohio State pose inside the Large Low-speed Wind Tunnel at the Institute of Aviation in Warsaw Poland.

Will now works with Honeywell Aerospace as a Mechanical Design Engineer. As he explains, "An Aerospace Engineer is very similar to a Mechanical Engineer in that we focus on kinematic physics or the science of how things move around and interact with one another. Aerospace Engineers spend time learning about fluid dynamics and heat transfer as those principles have a greater impact on the design and function of aircraft and spacecraft." Realizing that his options are limitless in the world of engineering, Will looks forward to what his future career may hold.

What he knows for sure is that he is a life-long learner.

What I know for sure about education: When we see one of ours emerge as a life-long learner, we check off the mission accomplished box with confidence.

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