Over the course of 2017-2019 the facility dream, designed by Architect James Hanis and driven by The Learning Center approach to education, sought to make itself known. By September 2019, my email history trail shows the first use of BLU SKY in a subject line, inclusive of an Attachment: BLU SKY NARRATIVE. True to his artistic nature, James Hanis had claimed the "blu sky" language to best capture the visionary, always "reaching higher" approach education.
In these early years of dreaming and planning, the project language was still forming. Somewhat informally, I found myself containing all my thoughts and research under the heading PROJECT BLU SKY. The term capital campaign also demanded my understanding and attention. I knew there were volumes of knowledge needed to move this project forward.
My strength for the task ahead came from these thoughts:
WHAT I KNOW FOR SURE: Facility will come in the future.
For the NOW: Stay on a true north course as a school unfolding education for a diverse population of learners. Continue to go a mile deep into a rich E-STEAM approach to education. Insist that Entrepreneurship, the Arts, and Agriculture be given equal weight to the popular buzz word of STEM education.
Every school day is our NOW. Make each day count for all of our students. Facility will come.
The time is NOW to Right the Future FOR Education.